Upgrades and Modifications: Boosting Equipment Performance and Capabilities

Stereo Vision System © AquaTitans 2023

Expertly Engineered Solutions for Equipment Upgrades and Modifications

Utilising our extensive engineering, operations, and project experience, AquaTitans can deliver custom submersible upgrades and modifications to enhance current equipment. Whether supplying a bolt-on component or redesigning and rebuilding an existing asset, AquaTitans provides efficient solutions for improved performance.

Stereo Vision System

AquaTitans was contracted for the design, procurement, build and test of a Stereo Vision System (SVS) to support the Nekton Maldives Survey & Sampling Mission in 2022.

This project required an update of the customer’s dated camera recording pressure vessel and installation of 4x independent studio grade recording systems to enable video capture up to 1080P 60FPS without losing video quality through connectors/penetrators.

Each camera recorder has a 1TB SSD drive to allow for up to 42 days of recording at 30FPS or up to 20 days of recording at 60FPS. The system operates on 24Vdc provided from an external source and a LAN network to allow device connection from inside the submersible. This facilitates camera feed previews, changing settings and downloading the files without the need to touch any external connections during or post a dive. The selected recorder unit is multi-purpose, providing a future-proof capability for up to 4x independent cameras if required.

Nekton successfully utilised the AquaTitans system for 2x stereo video pairs onboard a Triton 3300/3 submersible during their 2022 mission. The AquaTitans SVS contributed to the extensive field research conducted in partnership with the Government of Maldives, resulting in the discovery of a new ecosystem, The Trapping Zone.

The short timeframe for the project was achieved by utilising our in-house manufacturing capabilities, including rapid custom cable mould production and potting services.

Find out more about the Mission at:-

Oliver Steeds OBE

Chief Executive
We presented you with a huge technical challenge and a near impossible timescale; but AquaTitans delivered; thank you. The cutting-edge Stereo Video System contributed to the extensive field research conducted in the Maldives and it proved to be an invaluable tool for systematically documenting habitats and organisms in the newly discovered Trapping Zone.
Company Details
Phone Number: 01416748399
Registered in Scotland: SC730487
VAT Reg No: 409 7192 80
EORI: GB409719280000
Company Address
48 Grayshill Road
Westfield North Courtyard
Cumbernauld, Glasgow
G68 9HQ
William Arthur, Engineering Director
Alan Green, Projects Director
All business is conducted in accordance with the AquaTitans Limited General Terms and Conditions of Sale
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